Beatbox e-book

Beatbox e-book

Price:  USD

By buying the book you accept the store policy.

“Human Beatbox – Personal Instrument” as an e-book is sold at an unprecedented pay what you want price. That’s right. The suggested price is $19, but you name the final price.

How much is the beatbox book worth to you? (click)

If you’re not sure if this book is for you, i’d suggest risking it and buying the manual for a price of a drink in your area. It’s like you’re trying out a new flavor – maybe it’ll turn out bad, and maybe you’ll find your new favorite :) If the book boosts your vocal skills, I’d appreciate if you paid more than the suggested price of $19. Each and every amount (after taxes, etc) supports my beatbox activities and lets me work developing beatboxing knowledge worldwide. Help me out, ok?

If you’re doing paid beatbox workshops then I suggest dropping a fair amount on this manual. Why? Because you’ll definitely increase the quality of your workshops using materials presented in my book. You’ll get a few month’s worth of excercises and music theory, so the investment will pay for itself quickly.

This “pay what you want” price model is pretty new, but it already got it’s acclaim by international artists, including Nine Inch Nails, Amanda Palmer, Moby. See Amanda’s TED talk “The art of asking”.


Price:  USD

By buying the book, you agree to our terms and policy.

The minimal price of the e-book is $1. Returning the e-book is not possible due to lack of physical copy of the book. The e-book is ready for popular tablets and mobile devices.


Printed beatbox book

If quality is important for you, buy the beatbox manual in print – varnished cover, over 100 color pages including high-quality photos and illustrations. Read comfortably on paper. You deserve it. .


The minimal price for the e-book version is $1. The return of the beatbox e-book is not possible due to non-physical nature of the product.